On behalf of Golf Australia, the PGA of Australia and the WPGA Tour of Australasia, we are delighted to introduce the inaugural Australian Golf Strategy.
We are excited about what is ahead for our sport, and about the plan that we have developed with the input of nearly 10,000 people across golf, as well as industry research and expertise. One of the most consistent messages that we have heard over the past six months of consultation has been a sense of genuine excitement about the future of golf, and the opportunity that we have to grow our great game for the benefit of generations of golfers to come.
We are motivated by our purpose of encouraging and supporting more Australians to play more golf, and are united in our belief that all golf is golf, and that all of us can be golfers.
Those of us playing, volunteering and working within Australian golf understand that golf is a sport for life and fun for all, and our responsibility as custodians of golf is to promote that message far and wide.
The plan contained on the following pages is clear, ambitious, and achievable if we work together as an industry. This strategy is written by and for our entire sport, from mini-golf to driving ranges and simulator golf, public courses to member clubs.
We hope that you share our excitement about golf’s future and we are looking forward to working together closely as we put this plan into action.