Added 17th January 2025 – Click here for current temporary local rules.


Effective – 1st October 2024


  • Beyond the inside line of any fence bounding the golf
  • Beyond the inside line of any white stakes with black tops or painted boundary line
  • On the 12th Hole, beyond white squares with black dots on the northern kerb of the entry road. A Ball whichcrosses the northern kerb of the entry road, which comes to rest beyond that point, is out of bounds even though it might lie on another part of the course.



  • When a player’s ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds, the player may proceed under the alternate Stroke and Distance Local Rule for a Penalty of two strokes, rather than proceeding under the standard Stroke and Distance rule provided under rules 17, 18 or 19.
  • The ball MUST be dropped anywhere between the point where the ball is known or believed to be lost/out of bounds and within 2 club lengths of the nearest edge of the fairway, no nearer the hole.
  • This Local Rule is not available if a provisional ball has been played.
    All No Play Zones, NOT WITHIN A Penalty Area, are declared as Abnormal Course Condition and are further defined as Ground Under Repair (GUR).  Relief MUST be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1


Free relief is permitted from the following GUR circumstances under Rule 16.1 if the ball lies in or the GUR interferes with a player’s stance or swing:

  • Areas defined by white stakes, lines or signs.
  • Any and all tree roots which are painted white, in any area of the course are GUR.
  • Any painted or unpainted tree root on the fairway, green surround or fringe or within two club lengths of such areas are GUR.
  • Clearly defined deep wheel ruts.
  • Erosion in bunkers.
  • Bunkers marked with a stake. Relief to be taken outside of bunker.


Free relief (no nearer the hole) is permitted from the following obstructions under Rule 16.1 if the ball lies in or the obstructions interferes with a players stance or swing:

  • Sprinkler heads within the General Area. For sprinkler heads within 2 club lengths of the putting green, if the ball is within two club lengths at that sprinkler head, the additional provision of the sprinkler head being on the players line of play applies. Free complete relief is permitted.
  • Stakes defining penalty areas and GUR. (No Relief for ball lying in penalty area)
  • Safety screens, Tree protection screens, Staked trees and shrubs.
  • Traffic/cart directional signs, posts and ropes and 150 metre markers.
  • Exposed matting in a bunker, if your ball lies on or your swing is obstructed by that matting, but the ball must be dropped in the bunker.
  • Cart path curbing right of the 1st green has been tied into the wall of the 2nd tee and therefore is one obstruction which includes the hedge. Relief permitted from curbing, garden bed, hedge and wall.
  • Seams of Cut Turf: If a player’s ball in the general area lies in or touches a seam of cut turf, or a seam interferes with the player’s area of intended swing, the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b.
    But interference does not exist if the seam only interferes with the player’s stance. All seams within the area of cut turf are treated as the same seam in taking relief.
  • The edging grooves around the aprons or fringes of putting greens on the 1st & 4th holes are ground under repair. If a player’s ball lies in or touches a groove or a groove interferes with the area of intended swing:(a) Ball in General Area. The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b.(b) Ball on (including touching) the Putting Green. The player may take free relief under Rule 16.1d.But interference does not exist if the edging groove only interferes with the line of play or with player’s stance.


  • Any player or person is not permitted to walk upon or step upon any rock wall.
  • Any rock wall bordering a marked or unmarked penalty area is declared to be inside the penalty area.
  • A ball is deemed to be in the penalty area if any part of the ball touches or rests upon any part of a rock wall or single rock forming part of that rock wall.
  • If a ball lies upon or touches any such rock or rock wall; or Is within a penalty area and a rock wall interferes with a player’s stance or swing:
  • A player SHALL take MANDATORY PENALTY relief from such penalty area in accordance with Rule 17.1.
  • If a ball lies outside a penalty area and a rock wall interferes with a player’s stance or swing:
  • A Player SHALL take MANDATORY FREE relief from such penalty area in accordance with Rule 16.1.
  • A ball coming to rest on any rocks or rock wall in front or adjacent the 16th tee, SHALL take mandatory penalty relief under Rule 17.1 with the additional option of dropping the ball in the nearest designated drop zone under penalty of one stroke.


    • Penalties areas may be defined by red stakes, red lines/dots, physical features such as paths, rock walls, kerbing or their natural boundaries.
    • All lakes, ponds and watercourses not defined by Red Stakes and/or Red Lines are declared as a Red Penalty area and may be defined by either:
    • The natural boundaries, such as the water itself or where the water meets
    • Where the grass edge dips steeply (vertical drop) and meets an area intended to hold
    • The external boundary of a rock wall whether marked or
    • Or any other means as determined by the

    A ball touching or in any such water or rock wall, is deemed to be in the penalty area.


    • Unmarked Drains on the right side of the path on hole 4 and 18 are NOT penalty areas.
    • A ball coming to rest in the penalty area at the rear of or either side of the 15th green, not on or touching rocks, may be played as it lies, or take penalty relief under Rule 17.1.
    • A ball at rest in the Penalty Area at the rear of the 5th hole beyond the path, or the 11th at the rear of the green, defined by red stakes with blue tops, MAY be dropped in the nearest designated drop zone under penalty of one stroke.

      Non-Penalty Areas (Free Relief Area)

      Defined by all Blue stakes/poles or all Blue lines/dots.

      • A ball coming to rest in a Free Relief area, or if the Free Relief area interferes with a player’s stance or swing, at the rear of the 5th hole (path only), the player may take free relief BUT if taking such relief, the ball shall be dropped in the nearest designated drop zone, without penalty.
      • A portion of the Fence, Hedge and Path between 14th hole and 18th Tee are within the General Area of the course. Relief from the fence or path (not the hedge) will apply if either interferes with a players stance or swing under rule 16.1a and 16.1b. No line-of-sight relief applies. If a players ball comes to rest within the blue lines, dots or stakes, the ball may be marked, lifted and dropped on the right side of the path. The relief area shall be within one club length of the nearest point of relief on the right side of the path but no nearer the hole. (A player is not required to take the nearest point of relief to the left side of the path which may necessitate taking such relief in the hedge or against the fence.  No drop zone will be associated with the local rule)

      Penalty for Breach of Local rules.

      • Stroke play = two strokes.
      • Matchplay = loss of hole.

      Southport Golf Club – Maximum Stroke Score Local Rule

      To enhance pace of play, member enjoyment, and ensure the continuation of the game for players of all ages, Southport Golf Club has adopted the optional local rule for Maximum Stroke Score in stroke play competitions.

      • Players may wipe a hole when they reach the maximum stroke score.
      • Any score entered above the maximum hole score will be automatically adjusted.
      • The maximum score is set at +3 over Nett Par plus handicap.

      Competition results will be calculated using the adjusted scores, and all rankings, countbacks, and prizes will be determined accordingly. Adjusted scores will be denoted by the ^^ symbol on leaderboards and results.




        • The use of measuring devices is permitted.
        • All measurements are in metres to centre of green, including 150 metre markers located on either side of fairways.
          The Rules provide that during a round, a player MUST NOT STOP play except in these cases:
          1. Suspension by committee
          2. Stopping play by agreement in Match Play
          3. Individual player stopping play because of lightning.
          A player is not permitted to stop or cease play because of rain or wind, heavy or otherwise, unless the course becomes unplayable.  If not declared unplayable by the Committee, a player may request a decision from the Committee or Course Referee as to the ability to play due to weather.  In these circumstances, a player may not elect to leave the course, stop or suspend play of their own volition, or they will be disqualified.
        • 1 Burst of Siren – Play is Immediately Suspended – Immediate Suspension (Rule 5.7b(1)
        • 2 Bursts of Siren – Play is suspended – Normal Suspension (Rule 5.7b(2)
        • 3 Bursts of Siren – Play is Recommenced (Rule 5.7c)


        • White = Front of green
        • Yellow = Middle of green
        • Chequered = Back of green.


        • Mulch and woodchip on the course (unless there to be removed or spread) is to be treated as an integral part of the course where the individual pieces of mulch and woodchip may be moved as a loose impediment.


        • Smoking on the course is only permitted in the rough and treed areas.


      Golf Australia’s recommended Matchplay indexes will be used:



      (Rule 5.6b, Committee Procedures 5G and Committee Model Rule 8K)

      Effective – 5th June 2023

      Maximum Time Permitted Per Round.  Considering relevant matters such as weather, a round of golf at Southport Golf Club should not exceed:

      Stroke Play 4 hours 20 min
      Stableford 4 hours 10 min
      Par 4 hours 10 min
      • All players must report to the Starter (Pro Shop) at least 10 minutes before the commencement of their round.
      • A player must be at their respective tee at least 5 minutes prior to their tee time.
      • Any player late to their tee will be penalised 2 strokes in accordance with rules of golf. (Rule 5.3)
      • Any player more than 5 minutes late to the tee is automatically disqualified. (Rule 5.3)
      • Players should adopt Ready Golf in either Stroke or Matchplay where necessary.
      • The player with the lowest handicap is responsible for the pace of play of their group.
      • It is incumbent on every player to play promptly and hit their ball within 40 seconds of their turn. First person to hit is allowed 50 seconds to play their ball.
      • After hitting from the tee, all players should walk or drive promptly to their individual balls and await their turn. They should analyse their shot while approaching their ball and be ready to immediately select their club while awaiting their turn and be ready to hit.
      • If sharing a motorised cart, where practicable, a player should be dropped at their ball while the other player should drive to and be ready to hit their ball.
      • If in a motorised cart, Clubs should be cleaned and placed back in their bag at the location where the next shot is to be played from.
      • The first person to tee off, should mark their score card after teeing off. No player should be marking their card if it is their turn to play.
      • Players in bunkers should adopt ready golf and play first to allow time to rake a bunker.
      • Players should Putt-out where possible. Do not mark your ball, putt out in all cases if you are not on another player’s line.
      • Consider whether you wish to adopt the alternative relief to Stroke and Distance penalty relief under the allowable local rule. NOTE:  This option is not available if a provisional ball is played.
      • A Provisional Ball should ALWAYS be played in any circumstance where a ball MAY be lost outside a penalty area or out of bounds and you do not intend to use the Alternate Local Rule.
      • Keep up with the group in front, not keep in front of the group behind. (Timing rules apply)
      • Distance between groups should not be more than 1 minute over the time allotted on the time sheet between groups. If groups Tee Off at 7 minute intervals, the following groups should not be more than 8 minutes behind the group in front at any time.  Known as a Timing Offence.
      • This timing shall be monitored via CCTV or on course by an appointed person.
      • Players may be TIMED by a Rules Referee, Captain, Vice-Captain, Pro-Shop Staff or other nominated person by the Match and Course Committee.
      • A player or group does not need to be advised that they are being timed.
      • A slow play warning for a breach of this policy may be issued in person or via phone. If such warning is received, it is incumbent on the entire group to make every effort to speed up play and catch up with the group in front while adopting the policy outlined above.

      Maximum Time to Play Individual Holes: 4 hrs 20 min (260 Minutes for stroke)

      Maximum Time to Play Individual Holes: 4 hrs 10 min (250 Minutes for stableford and par)

      Time is counted, for the first hole, from the moment the first player tees off and the pin is placed in the hole and/or after the final player putts out.

      For subsequent holes, from the moment the pin is placed in the previous hole/or last player putts out to when the pin is placed in the hole and/or after the final player putts out.

      Therefore, slow play occurs if a player:

      • Takes more than 40 seconds to play their shot (50 seconds for 1st player), or
      • Losing distance between groups by more than 1 minute of the timing interval, or
      • Exceeds the maximum time permitted for that hole, or
      • Exceeds the maximum time permitted per round.

      Penalties for Slow Play

      Stroke Play     Match Play
      First offence Verbal Warning   Verbal Warning

      The following Penalty for Slow Play or Breach of Pace of Play Policy (In the same round) MAY be applied at the discretion of the Course Marshall, Pro-Shop Staff, Committee or Rules Official.

      Stroke Play    Match Play
      Second Offence 1 stroke penalty 1 Stroke Penalty
      Third Offence Additional 2 stroke penalty Loss of Hole
      Fourth Offence  Disqualification Disqualification

      The Committee or Referee may elect to impose the penalty against an individually identified player or players or the entire group at the time.

      In addition to the aforementioned any additional information, including MiScore Reports, may be utilised by the club as required to identify slow play.  Any individual or group identified as offenders of slow play may receive an appropriate letter from the Board.  Such letter may be a warning but may alternatively include sanctions against an individually identified player or group.  Such sanction may include penalties, disqualification, sent to the rear of the field at next game or suspended from playing the next game or more, as determined by the Board.