Our Golf Shop team offers the experience and golf knowledge to help you get the most out of your game.
Whether you’re looking for tuition or you want to discuss your technique with a professional, Southport Golf Club is here to help. We have highly experienced staff and golf professionals plus the facilities and technology to ensure you enhance your skills and scoring. Our team can fit your equipment and ensure you have the right gear for your golf game

Garrett Skinner
Golf Operations Manager
PGA Professional

Charles Vos
Golf Operations
Grew up in Brussels, Belgium
Speaks French, Dutch, German and English
Australian PGA Member
Bachelor Of Business and Sports Management
Diploma of Golf Management
Huge LA Lakers fan

Peter Lyon
Golf Operations

Margarita Zakareyshvili
Golf Operations
PGA Trainee Professional
Has a Bachelor degree in Journalism
Has a degree in business.
Born in Russia, moved to Australia to study 6 years ago.
Has been a member of Southport for 5 years.
Won Club Championships in 2017 and represented Southport in Pennant for 4 years.
I love to play golf and study.